Every visit will get our 10-point check to diagnose the entire system. If repairs are needed and can be done during the visit, our team will handle all warranty submissions and repair systems.
10-Point Solar System Inspection Includes . .
Check DC array wiring - Are wires hanging? Are all of the components of the solar array secure and off the roof?
Mechanical fasteners - Check for tightness of fasteners, verifying that the solar panels are secure.
Racking - Check roof attachments and penetrations, verifying that the framework is tight.
Conduit - Verify all fittings are tight, and that the condition of straps and attachments are in good shape.
Junction boxes, disconnects, inverters, enclosures - Make sure all covers are still protected from the elements. Check for signs of water infiltration or any other damage.
Fuses/breakers - Check functionality and condition. Signs of any damage? Replace blown fuses, tighten all terminations.
AC wiring - Check all accessible AC wiring for signs of damage. Tighten all terminations.
Module condition - Check soiling, cracking, frame damage, etc.
Check for signs of animal nesting - Sometimes birds will make their home underneath the array. We will gently remove them and dissuade them from returning. However, if the nesting is beyond our capabilities to remove, extermination measures may be necessary.
Monitoring check (before and after visit) - Initiate warranties and replace on site if applicable. *Necessary warranty replacements included in checkup visit.